” My name is Andrei Dumitrascu. In my previous 16 years I've built a solid business understanding, having special lens over marketing and strategy development, as member of various leadership teams. I created brands from scratch, coordinated creative and operational teams and unlocked some nice business ideas. I published 3 children's books and I love being Santa for my friends' kids.”

Andrei Dumitrascu
Andrei Dumitrascu
business professional
business professional

2500+ hours of business&brand strategy development, managed budgets over $100M and facilitated more than 200 workshops

Nurtured the growth for more than 15 international and national brands and coordinated the development of a new healthcare brand from scratch

brands grower
brands grower

Inspired teams up to 110 people to mix different business principles, from KISS to OKR, in order to effectively achieve their KPIs

empowering teams
empowering teams


Inspire people and companies to play until they’ll find at least one game that’s changing a paradigm and generates growth

i invite you to play
i invite you to play


"Andrei is a true force in business, with incredible energy and power to lead people into challenges. Armed with bursting creativity and very diverse business knowledge, he is a champion of innovation and change."

- Cristina Patesan, Business Unit Director, Secom Healthcare Group

"Andrei is a high caliber strategic thinker driven by amazing emotional intelligence mixed with down to earth professionalism. A real pleasure and a constant learning & discovery experience while working with Andrei!"

- Calin Clej, Marketing Director & Sr.Commercial Lead

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